Uncle Health & Fitness

Just another vain uncle

Archive for the category “Introduction”

Whom is this blog for?

This Health & Fitness blog is suitable for:

  • Generally sedentary people who wants to improve their health / physique / fitness by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Young & old, male & female, all human are essentially the same, in a way.

However, this blog is NOT for:

  • Advance / competitive athlete, sportsman or bodybuilder.
  • People with special medical condition / major injury.  Please seek help from specialist.

What’s this blog about?

There are already so many health and fitness blogs out there. What’s so special about this one?

Often, beginners have absolutely NO IDEAL on how to kick-start their healthy lifestyle and/or fitness journey, be it fat-loss, put on muscles, ‘toning’, or just want to be ‘fit’.

Many resort to hearsay, articles published on papers / magazines, half-true / outdated medical researches, modern myths.

Or, overload themselves with myriad of informations from the internet and books, of which, some are true, some are not so, and some are just bullshit.

I, have gone thru the learning process (and am still learning continuously), and have transformed my once crappy body to a more decent physique. In fact, best body ever in my life.

I want to share my understanding in a SIMPLE, CONCISE, and easily UNDERSTANDABLE way, so that you don’t have to go thru the hard way like me (unless you have the interest to learn those details in-depth).

If uncle can do it, you can do better.

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